Thank you for providing feedback regarding the University of Pittsburgh's Department of Physics and Astronomy. Please note that all responses are completely anonymous unless you choose to provide your information at the end of the survey.*
If you have an immediate safety concern, please contact the University of Pittsburgh Police, 412-624-2121.
The Dietrich School Ombudsperson, Philippa Carter, can assist graduate students with resolving conflicts and issues that arise in the course of their education and training that they believe have not or cannot be addressed within their academic department. Lisa Lang, Director of the Ombuds Office, can assist staff and postdocs in the same vein.
Visit the Physics and Astronomy Code of Conduct page for further resources, answers to common questions, trainings, and more.
Responses to this form will be routed to the following staff and/or faculty members, depending on the topic of the submission.
Undergraduate Program: Director(s) of Undergraduate Studies; Department Chairperson, Undergraduate Coordinator
Graduate Program: Director(s) of Graduate Studies; Department Chairperson, Graduate Coordinator
Department personnel: Department Chairperson; Academic Operations Manager
- Graduate Admissions: Director(s) of Graduate Studies; Graduate Coordinators
- Undergraduate Admissions: Director(s) Undergraduate Studies; Undergraduate Coordinator
Website: Undergraduate Coordinator
Facilities: Facilities Coordinator, Administrative Officer
- General Department Matters / Other / Unsure: Department Chairperson, Academic Operations Manager
- Equity and Inclusion: Physics & Astronomy Equity and Inclusion Committee
*University faculty and staff members are required to report all instances of sexual misconduct, including harassment and sexual violence to the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX. When a report is made, individuals can expect to be contacted by the Title IX Office with information about support resources and options related to safety, accommodations, process, and policy.
You can also report directly to Office of Civil Rights and Title IX: 412-648-7860 (M-F; 8:30am-5:00pm) or via the Pitt Concern Connection.
If you wish to make a confidential report, Pitt encourages you to reach out to these resources:
- The University Counseling Center: 412-648-7930 (8:30 A.M. TO 5 P.M. M-F) and 412-648-7856 (AFTER BUSINESS HOURS)
- Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (community resource): 1-866-363-7273 (24/7).